JDS Custom Rods

Making a great rod at a reasonable price!

Me fishing the smokies, with a 7’9” - 3wt.

About Us

Phone: 724-459-6802

Fax: 724-459-5996

E-mail: jdstumpf@verizon.net 

It all started as a child when I was about 8 years old my father found me a 8’ steel flyrod which I loved to hate.  I fought it long and hard until I learned to cast.  As I grew older the rod broke several times and after many repairs it was time to get my first fly rod for $15.00,  it was the “best thing since sliced bread” I fished with my father every weekend we could get away from his shop the while way through high-school.  In college I taught a class on fly casting to help others get “bit” by the bug.  I then got my first job working for someone other than my father and bought my first “good” rod, and it was the new best thing.  Along the way Dad’s friend taught we to tie flies, and then we took fly-tying classes and perfected our craft.  About 15 years passed and My father and his friend were persuading me to build a rod, when finally one day I caved in and ordered a build kit.  Since then I have built approximately 30 rods, mostly fly rods, for my family, and a few close friends.  Of course my father got the second rod I built for his birthday in 2013.  I have been working on the craft ever since and sold my first rod to a customer this past spring.  I have been attempting many things, some with failure some with success, and decided it was time to offer my passion to others.  I hope you Enjoy

To contact us:

Send Mail with questions and comments to jdstumpf@verizon.net or jrstumpf@verizon.net

Copyright © 2015 JDS Custom Rods

Last Modified 8/28/2015